one schoolhouse

As an all-girls' school, we are very attuned to the ways girls learn best. For years, we have used that knowledge to educate girls in a way that takes advantage of their unique learning style.

Since technology now plays such an integral role in education, we also study the latest research on how girls interact with that technology, and have found that there are differences in boys’ and girls’ experiences with technology as well. Therefore, our methods must focus on the ways that girls interact with educational technology.

We are proud of our membership in the One Schoolhouse, a consortium of all-girls schools from across the country that have come together to offer the best in online education for female students. La Pietra students may take courses through the One Schoolhouse for credit during the academic year (fall and spring terms) with the approval of the Dean of Academics. Tuition fees are at no additional cost, however, there is an administrative fee per class registration. Additionally, La Pietra faculty members have access to an array of online professional development classes in order to learn how to best integrate technology into their offline curriculum.

Many students at La Pietra take online courses in subject matter that is not currently offered on campus. Due to our partnership with One Schoolhouse, our students have exposure to a breadth of courses that can help prepare them in a pathway of academic success and readiness.