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La Pietra PFA builds can sculpture with food drive donations

November 18th, 2021

PFA members work together to build a sculpture out of food drive donations

After coming together as a community to raise 1,242 cans for the Hawaii Foodbank to help feed Hawaii's hungry, members of the Parent Faculty Association (PFA) showed some school spirit by putting together a food sculpture using the donations! Mahalo to Pat Watts, parent team leader, for leading the charge! Joining her to put together the school initials in can form were fellow parents Mary Jean Pascua and Elaine Batacan. 

With a total of 350 cans (13.5 cans per capita), the seniors raised the most donations among the grade levels, earning themselves an ice cream party! The sophomore class came in second with 190 cans (10.6 cans per capita), and the 6th grade class came in third place with 269 cans (10.3 cans per capita). Great work to everyone who came together to raise donations for this important cause!

National Honor Society on the importance of giving back to the community

Over the last few months, La Pietra's National Honor Society (NHS) hosted the school-wide food drive on campus, encouraging everyone, including faculty and staff members, to make their donations. The NHS is based on four pillars: scholarship, service, leadership, and character. These are qualities NHS Co-Advisor Shari Lynn says the students at La Pietra already possess.

"[NHS members] also help teach [these characteristics] to the younger girls, and so by opening this up school-wide, it strengthens their core values," Lynn explains.  

La Pietra's National Honor Society poses with can sculpture made from donations

Mahalo to everyone who donated! Want to join some of our upcoming community service initiatives? Here's a look at what's going on before the end of the year:

  • Sock Drive with La Pietra's Leo Club from Nov. 17 - 30 
  • Toys for Tots coordinated by La Pietra's PFA from Nov. 22 - Dec. 13


Posted in the category School News.