Our Magnus Health portal is now updated and ready for the 2023-24 school year.

All medical information is located in our online database, Magnus Health SMR (Student Medical Record). Annually in July, we refresh our Magnus Health portal for the new school year. The benefits to this change include less paperwork for parents to complete each year as well as having more accurate information that is accessible to parents and the appropriate staff at La Pietra. If there are any changes during the school year, you will be able to update that information directly in Magnus Health. 

La Pietra and Magnus Health are committed to maintaining the confidentiality, integrity, and security of personal information about our students. We always adhere to the highest standards in security to keep your data private and secure.

helpful tips | health & athletic forms | agreement/Authorization

Below are some helpful tips for completing this process. If you have multiple children attending La Pietra, please complete one for each child. This process will take about 20-30 minutes to complete. We request that all online agreement/authorization forms and uploading of required documents be completed by July 28, 2023.

  1. Documents and information you may need to help with health and emergency questionnaires: health insurance card, physician office information, emergency contact names and phone numbers, and general information about your daughter's health.
  2. As we continue to keep our La Pietra community healthy and safe, we ask that all new students upload a PDF of their updated COVID-19 vaccination card. This information will be kept confidential.
  3. These are documents you need to print, complete, scan to PDF then upload to the Magnus Health portal: Student Health Record & TB Assessment (found in our Parent Resources), and Athletic Student Health Forms.
  4. For documents that need to be uploaded, have these forms ready in a PDF format to easily upload them into Magnus Health. Scan the Student Health Record Form 14 and TB assessment into one document, and scan the immunization record separately, if possible.  These records will be uploaded into separate categories. Some doctor's offices prefer to complete the immunizations on the Student Health Record form. If that is the case, then upload the Student Health Record form for the immunization category.
  5. Laptop Agreement Required. The online Laptop Agreement must be completed prior to your daughter receiving her school laptop. Deadline to complete is July 26, 2023.
  6. Parent review and authorization is required for the online Parent Authorization forms. The Parent Authorization form covers field trips, HCCF consent, over-the-counter medications, publicity consent, student/parent directory, and the current school year Parent Student Handbook. 
  7. For first time users, we suggest viewing the 3-minute tutorial. The tutorial provides an overview and steps for navigating the site. If you need to gather more information or your documents are not ready to upload, you may save your work and then return later to complete. To save, click on save and return to tracker.



How to Access your Magnus Health Account:

  1. Click on this Magnus Health link:
  2. Only parents or guardians have access to Magnus Health.
  3. Your username and password is the same as your My BackPack account.



Questions or need more help?

For assistance with navigating Magnus Health, entering data online, or downloading/uploading forms and documents, or other questions, please contact Magnus Health customer support at 877.461.6831 or [email protected].

For general questions regarding the health and athletic forms, and agreement/authorization forms, please contact La Pietra at [email protected] or 808.922.2744.  

Magnus Health Overview for Parents

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